I have just moved to the University of Sydney to work as a Lecturer in Geography at the School of Geosciences. Previously, I was a Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Geography, University of California Los Angeles, having completed my PhD in the Department of Geography at the University of British Columbia. My research concerns the conjuncture of climate change, development, and marketization. In particular, I study how 'truth' (knowledge claims and expertise), 'capital' (financial flows and investments), and policy formulations structure relations between the Global North and Global South at this conjuncture. To this end, I conduct relational fieldwork, examining how climatological and developmental crises and problems are interpreted, storied, and managed; intimately by local and governmental authorities; and from afar by international experts, including the World Bank. My approach to examining these issues draws from the conceptual tools of critical environmental, economic and development geographies, as well as seriously considering the natural sciences, particularly climate change science.